Produkty wg producenta

For Laci


For Laci

Cena: 77.98 zł

Opis produktu: For Laci
For Laci

Every mother`s worst fear became Sharon Rocha`s reality. On Christmas Eve 2002, she received a phone call from her son-in-law saying that her daughter, Laci, was missing. In the hours, days, and eventually months that followed, Sharon struggled to avoid accepting what no parent should ever have to face: the certain knowledge that her child is never coming home. In For Laci, for the first time, Sharon tells us what is was like to live through the long night-mare and opens our hearts to the Laci she loved: the kindergarten artist, the tenth grader who cried on her mother`s lap after her first breakup, the young woman who planned her wedding with joyful enthusiasm.

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